Norbord thanks America’s framers during a difficult moment in their sector.
About the company
Norbord is a Toronto-based international producer of wood-based panels, called OSB, used mainly in residential construction. Known for high-quality, innovative products, Norbord is the largest OSB producer in the world, and is publicly-traded on the TSX and NYSE. It has traditionally enjoyed a low profile in its industry. Until all this.
Project Objectives
The US homebuilding industry is short some 200,000 framing carpenters. This hurts homebuilding contractors, building supply companies and the US economy by stalling new housing starts, despite strong demand. After a successful inaugural #THANKAFRAMER video campaign in 2017, which praised the hardworking American framing carpenter, Norbord wanted to focus its 2018 campaign on the homebuilding industry. The objective was to show builders and the building supplies sector that Norbord is committed to helping recruit new framers into the industry. It has invested over US$1m into framer training programs, prompting others in its industry to get involved.
Content delivered
Video concept and script, website and print ads. The video script presents the problem, a framer shortage, then conveys that Norbord has true skin in the game. It also doubles as an invitation to young Americans from all imaginable backgrounds to help solve this national problem, and start a great career, by signing up for training. The website echoed these points, with easy-reading text that shouted out opportunity and aspiration. The print ads, primarily targeting the industry, explained Norbord’s reason for taking its stance, making it clear that it is serious about helping builders and their suppliers overcome this labour crisis.
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